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Middle School

In Middle School, we not only focus on academic subject matter, but we also practice meeting
deadlines, using organizational tools effectively, working respectfully and cooperatively with
others, learning from our mistakes, persistently giving our best effort at whatever we do, and
other valuable life skills.

In Middle School ELA (English / Language Arts),

  • we learn successful strategies to help us improve our reading comprehension and


  • we regularly practice effective communication – both verbal and written

  • We demonstrate learning through: individual, partner, and group work (classroom assignments and projects)

    •  literature circles (individual work + group discussion)

    • read aloud and classroom discussion

    • grammar practice

    • vocabulary expansion activities

In Middle School Social Studies, we learn about past history and civilizations through the lens
of a Biblical Worldview as we practice reading and both verbal and written communication.
Our areas of study are divided into Years One, Two, Three, and Four.

  • In Year One, we look at the early history of the United States beginning with the settling of the

North American continent and ending with the early establishment of our government.
In Year Two, our focus shifts to learning about ancient civilizations.
In Year Three, we become students of world history beginning from around AD 1000 and
continuing up to modern times.


  • In Year Four, we return our concentration to the history of America beginning with a review of

America’s fight for independence and how our government was begun and ending with the Civil

In Middle School Bible, we study God’s Word and how it relates to - and applies – to our daily
lives. We discuss what it looks like when we live out God’s truth through our everyday
attitudes, actions, and behavior, and we choose to emphasize what we as Christians hold in
common rather than what divides us.

Our Middle School Team

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