Mrs. Paxson's
4th Grade
In fourth grade here at WCA we learn so many fun things throughout the year! I love starting our mornings with prayer and then our Bible lessons. The students enjoy acting out Biblical skits for Chapel, too! The most exciting thing for the students throughout the year is to learn the 50 states and capitals! We start out the year reading Pollyanna which carries on throughout the year in keeping a positive mindset. In Science we get to explore the circulatory and respiratory system. For Easter, a fun thing we do is make Resurrection Rolls while reading the scriptures in the Bible that tell about Jesus' death and resurrection.

Mrs. Kayla Paxson
4th Grade Teacher
Kayla comes to WCA with 15 years of experience teaching sixth grade in Argonia. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Friends University and a Masters Degree in Instructional Technology from Fort Hays State University. Kayla has grown up in the church and helps lead worship on Sundays. Knowing Jesus and being known by Him have become very important in her walk with the Lord. She is very excited to be given the opportunity to instill faith values into the lives of the students here at WCA and to be a part of the WCA family.