Mrs. Leddy's
1st Grade
First grade at WCA is full of learning and fun! We enjoy starting our day with group prayer and a song. The children get to take turns reading a scripture verse during our prayer time.
We begin the year by reading about the creation of the world in Genesis and work our way through the Bible. We learn about Mexico and then we break open a pinata at the end of our unit. The children enjoy learning about static electricity and simple circuits. One of the things the children look forward to is celebrating the 100th Day of School. They look forward to creating projects with 100 objects that are displayed in our 100 Museum.

Mrs. Michelle Leddy
1st Grade Teacher
Michelle has 38 plus years of teaching experience, with 10 plus years at WCA and a Master’s degree from Baker University in 2007. She's known for her creativity in lessons and lifelong love of learning, always striving to provide the best education. Michelle also values helping others. Michelle's decision to join WCA was influenced by Bill Meridith, the school's founder and her husband's uncle. Seeing the school being built, she felt drawn to it and was surprised to be hired due to her Catholic faith. Grateful for the opportunity to teach about God, Michelle feels blessed to be part of the WCA family. Having attended church her entire life, Michelle's faith journey led her to become a Sunday School teacher and later, to teach at a Catholic school. Sharing God's word with children strengthened her faith, emphasizing the importance of prayer in her daily life.